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What happens to our brain in hypnosis?

What happens to our brain in hypnosis?

Contrary to popular misconception, hypnosis is NOT sleep. Brain scans show a change in brain activity during hypnosis. Our brain waves move to a lower frequency, often associated with dreaming (this is probably why so many people mistake it for sleep). There is an...
5 Simple Ways To Improve Your Sleep

5 Simple Ways To Improve Your Sleep

  We all benefit from getting the best quality sleep available to us, so whether you consider yourself to be a good sleeper or not, read on for the best advice to achieve your optimum If you have been having trouble sleeping or feel you should be getting a better...
5 life lessons from climbing Mount Kilimanjaro

5 life lessons from climbing Mount Kilimanjaro

Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa, the tallest freestanding mountain in the world. Standing at 5895 metres, climbing this mountain was not going to be a walk in the park. For years I had held the vague notion of wanting to climb this mountain, to...