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Each month I will bring you one simple idea to try out in your life. The aim is to gradually upgrade your habits, routines and behaviours through small, easy to implement actions.

‘Success doesn’t always come from the big actions we take, but from the sum of all the small actions we repeat’

This Month


We have all heard the recommendations to make sure we drink enough water in the day, but are you doing it?

It is worth putting into practice as every cell of your body needs water in order to function properly.

Just a small reduction in water in your body creates a significant change in how you are feeling and how your body functions.

If you are not adequately hydrated you are likely to experience feeling cloudy, unmotivated, lethargic and more stressed. You are more likely to experience headaches and feel irritable.

So, it can make a really big difference to your overall wellbeing to make sure you are drinking enough fluids every day.

By the time you feel thirsty, your fluid levels are already low so it is best to make sure you are drinking regularly throughout the day to protect against the symptoms of dehydration.

Try keeping a bottle you can carry with you when you commute or are busy moving around. Keep a cup or bottle on your desk where you have easy access to it and it will remind you to drink.

A useful guide is to aim to drink 8 , 8 ounce glasses of water a day but just focus on what feels sensible for you. You want to aim not to feel thirsty and your urine should be a light yellow colour.

If you are really struggling to remember to drink throughout the day, it may be useful to set a regular alarm for yourself to get used to developing the habit.

Being properly hydrated can make an amazing change in your life if you have been neglecting it so give it a try!