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Are the dark days of winter getting you down?

The short days and lack of sunshine can play havoc with your body chemistry leading to you feeling low, unmotivated and generally uninterested in life.

Perhaps you are like me and you crave some warmth and sunshine.

We can intervene in how we are feeling at this time of year by using a visualisation to help change it.

Visualisation is incredibly powerful because your brain cannot tell the difference between what is real and what is imagined. It takes whatever is happening in your mind as fact and responds accordingly (this is the same process as when you think about something bad happening and your body displays symptoms of anxiety).

So, if you spend a period of time vividly imagining being on a warm beach, your body will begin to respond as if you really were on a warm beach. It will release endorphins (the feel good hormone) and give you all the same feelings as you would get if you were enjoying the sunshine.

This MP3 will guide you through the whole visualisation process so all you have to do it sit back, listen and enjoy.

The track also includes some suggestions to your subconscious mind for feeling more positive, upbeat and full of energy.

Treat this as a prescription for your mind and use it at least 2 – 3 times a week. Just make sure you sit or lie somewhere quiet and comfortable to listen to it (in bed or on the sofa is perfect) and do not use it when you are driving or doing something else that requires your attention.

Click here to get the visualisation and start using it immediately.