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Do you ever find yourself wishing there was that quiet place you could just retreat to when life feels like it’s just too hectic? Maybe a log cabin in a forest or a beach hut with a hammock to help you forget about all of life’s trials and tribulations.


Sometimes we can all think that the world has just got too much for us.


In today’s society we all have to carry around so much ‘stuff’ every day, often including unpleasant thoughts and worries, at the same time as balancing different roles and responsibilities. It’s no surprise that sometimes we buckle under the pressure.


Although you may need to invest time, commitment and determination, it can be easier than you might think to remove all this excess stress and pressure by simplifying your life and only focussing on the most important parts – the ones which matter to you the most.


Imagine what it would be like to live your life in an environment free of unnecessary clutter – where your priorities remain clear, making it obvious what you need to focus on each day to achieve your goals, at work or at home.


Taking steps to simplify your life can rid you of confusion over what’s important and prevent you from becoming overloaded.


The 3 Signs You Need to Simplify Your Life

[divider number = “1” title = “Your Thinking is Muddied and Muddled”]

Does it seem like you can’t make a decision? Are you struggling to remember simple things? This is your brain telling you it needs a break. There is too much going on in your mind. Download this FREE PRINTABLE to help you begin to unload your mind.


[divider number = “2” title = ‘You Are Feeling Overwhelmed’]

Do you feel like you’re frozen to the spot, not knowing which way to turn or what to do next? Do you feel like if you stop you’ll never start again? This means you have taken too much on and are feeling completely overwhelmed. It’s time to take a deep breath and begin to simplify.


[divider number = “3” title = “You Have No Energy to Focus on Yourself”]

Do you feel so exhausted by all the jobs you’ve had to do in a day that even when you get a window of opportunity to spend some time focusing on yourself, you feel too exhausted to notice it, let alone use the time? This means you have run out of energy to look after yourself and you could be on your way to burnout if you don’t make changes.


Use this FREE PRINTABLE to download everything from your mind onto paper where you can see it more clearly.