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Each month I will bring you one simple idea to try out in you life. The aim is to gradually upgrade your habits, routines and behaviours through small, easy to implement actions. 

‘Success doesn’t always come from the big actions we take, but from the sum of all the small actions we repeat’

This Month

Do a Regular Brain Download

‘Your brain isn’t meant to be a storage facility’

At least once a day (more where ever possible), empty your head of everything that is on your mind. I call this a brain dump.

I keep a running brain dump list on paper but you could do it as a note on your phone if you prefer. I will keep adding to list throughout the day as thoughts come up which are not relevant to what I am doing. Then at the end of the day or the beginning of the next day I will go through the list to see if there is anything important that needs immediate attention or that needs to be scheduled in my diary to get done.

I will also see if there is anything I want to add to my ‘one day list’. My ‘one day list’ is where I jot down all the random thoughts and ideas that aren’t immediately relevant in my life but that I don’t want to lose and may use in the future.

I might then throw the brain dump list away or continue adding to it the next day.

You are likely to feel exhausted, overwhelmed and to struggle thinking clearly when your brain is full. Your mind is not meant to be a storage facility. Regularly downloading your brain and then putting any useful information where it is most helpful will free up your mind for what it is meant to be used for – thinking, being creative with ideas and fulfilling your potential.

You will feel lighter, more carefree and might be amazed at the unnecessary stuff your brain is holding onto.

Try it…and start TODAY!

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