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Each month I will bring you one simple idea to try out in your life. The aim is to gradually upgrade your habits, routines and behaviours through small, easy to implement actions.

‘Success doesn’t always come from the big actions we take, but from the sum of all the small actions we repeat’

This Month

Create a Reading List

Reading can be incredibly relaxing, uplifting, inspiring or a wonderful form of escapism depending on what we want to use it for and what we choose to read.

The summer months are a perfect time to put time aside to indulge in reading.

This month, spend a bit of time researching online, wandering around a bookshop or visiting your local library and create a reading list of 4-6 books that you would like to read by the end of the summer.

Then, decide when you will set a little bit of time aside for reading each day or each week – it could be an hour after your evening meal or even just ten minutes on your lunchbeak.

Most importantly, treat that time you have set aside as an appointment with yourself when you will commit to reading a book of your choice.

By bringing more reading into your life this summer, you might find yourself feeling more relaxed, feeling more creative, buzzing with new ideas or finding fresh inspiration for your life.

‘Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body’