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Each month I will bring you one simple idea to try out in your life. The aim is to gradually upgrade your habits, routines and behaviours through small, easy to implement actions.

‘Success doesn’t always come from the big actions we take, but from the sum of all the small actions we repeat’

This Month

Keep a ‘I got it done list’

So you have been working hard all day, you have crossing things off your ‘to do list’ and feeling like you are making progress. The problem is that at the end of the day you look at all those things you didn’t do and that still need to be done and you feel a bit deflated. You feel stressed and frustrated looking at all the things that didn’t get done which will now have to roll on to tomorrow. All your good work from the day suddenly feels unimportant and irrelevant.

To help shift this negative mindset and potential stress trigger at the end of the day, keep a ‘I got it done list’. Keep adding to the list as you go through the day or spend a few minutes putting it together at the end of the day. That way you can recognise all the things you have achieved and feel good about a productive day. of course, you will still have those things that didn’t get done and that have to roll on to tomorrow but your focus is on the positive rather than the negative.

Give it a try and see what kind of difference it makes to you at the end of each day.