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'I feel like I'm not good enough' and other self critical thoughts


Do any of these scenarios sound familiar to you?


You have seen a new job advertised that would give you better prospects and a pay rise but you think that you don’t have enough skills / your not good enough / your too old for them to take seriously / (fill in the blank here). You can’t get rid of the thoughts and you fear rejection so the application deadline passes by and you feel stuck in your current situation.


You have been invited to a party which sounds like a lot of fun but you know lots of people will be going who you have never met before. A feeling of dread starts inside you as the party gets closer. You have thoughts like I don’t have anything interesting to say / everyone will look better than me / everyone will be laughing at you. You might make it to the party but spend the time feeling rubbish about yourself or you might make an excuse and get out of it.


You are in a happy relationship but frequently have thoughts of not being good enough which makes you feel at risk of losing your partner. It might make you moody or upset a lot of the time and cause problems in the relationship.


Whenever you are given a new task to do at work or on a course you are studying, your immediate thoughts are I cant do that / I am going to fail / Everyone else can do it but I can’t. You have to fight through all these thoughts and feelings before you complete the task and actually do well.


If you can identify yourself in any of these scenarios or you can think about similar situations in your life, you are full of self criticism and these critical thoughts are holding you back and making your experience of life much more unpleasant than it should be.
I work with people struggling with these issues all the time and I know how damaging all this self criticism can be on your life.


So I have created a FREE video series + 2 printable resources to help you to start to deal with all this self criticism.

How to move past self criticism and allow your confidence to flourish


Whats included in the free download?

  • 3 Bitesize Videos
  • 2 Printable Worksheets to help put the information into action


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Give yourself the opportunity to become a much more confident and happy version of yourself.


Things can be different and you can feel different about yourself.


Download the free video series here

